Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Colorado Single Track

We recently returned from Crested Butte, Colorado, where Backcountry and Outside Magazines hosted their 2013 snowboard test.  The snow conditions were among the best the area had seen this season.  We enjoyed a backcountry tour with Crested Butte Mountain Guides and several days soaking in the sun, testing solid and split snowboards and breathing in the thin, fresh mountain air.

Pete Kelly lays down a single track in the Crested Butte backcountry.

As our time started to wind down and rumors of dry desert biking were spreading we headed for Fruita, located approximately 3 hours from Crested Butte.  We were happy to find perfect biking conditions and very few people at the 18 Rd trail system.

Danielle dusting us on some Fruita singletrack.


Steve Hallock said...

Badass, Lucky!

Anonymous said...

Miss you guys. Post another update. Hope to see you this winter.

- Shawn